One of the most mysterious and wonderful things that happened in the world is that a man called Jesus resurrected from the dead – He was raised by God from the dead, and He now lives forever! Even though this is so amazing, resurrection means and involves much more than this. According to the revelation […]
In His Resurrection Christ was Glorified, Became God’s Firstborn Son, and Regenerated us
Only the Spirit can Live the Christian Life, so Breathe in the Life-Giving Spirit!

The Lord Jesus promised the disciples that He will send the Spirit of reality as another Comforter (see John 14:15-16, 26; 15:26; 16:7-8, 13), and after His resurrection He came among His disciples and breathed into them saying, Receive the Holy Spirit (John 20:22). The expected Spirit in John 7:39 and the promised Spirit in […]
The Triune God Went Through a Process Economically and Became “the Spirit” (John 7:39)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8), and with Him there is no change (Mal. 3:6; Num. 23:19). However, in the Gospel of John 1:14, we see that the Word – who was with God and who was God – became flesh. In His essence, God cannot change and will not […]
Subjectively Knowing Christ as the Indwelling One, the Life-Giving Spirit

The central element of Paul’s ministry, the most important matter in our Christian life, and the most missed thing in Christianity today is the indwelling Christ, Christ living in us (Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20). The Lord Jesus spoke about it before He went to the cross and the apostles emphasized it very much in the […]
seeing Christ in the five greatest events in the history of the universe
![seeing Christ in the five greatest events in the history of the universe [in the picture: a wonderful painting]](
The universe is definitely mysterious, but if you were to point out what are the most mysterious events that happened in the history of the universe, what would they be? First of all, we haven’t been around that long, so all we can speak is from our own perspective and knowledge. But if we read […]
seeing the divine history from Christ’s crucifixion to the New Jerusalem

Isn’t it so mysterious to be talking about, the divine history within the human history? And yet we, as believers in Christ, are those who daily endeavor to be here, live here, and have our whole being with all our activities and things in the developing divine history hidden within the human history. This history […]
Cords of a Man: the Amazing Accomplishments of Christ in His Resurrection

God’s everlasting love toward us is so strong, and His divine bands of love are expressed and reach us through cords of a man. The first segment of these cords / the first cord is His wonderful incarnation, then His bountiful human living, and then His all-terminating death on the cross. Today I was filled […]