One of the most crucial points of the major items of the Lord’s recovery today is the consummated Spirit, what the Bible calls, “the Spirit” (John 7:39; Rev. 22:17). The matter of the consummated Spirit is also one of the most neglected and misused matters in today’s Christianity. God dwells in unapproachable light, and no […]
Christ became the Spirit to Breathe Himself into us: Receive the Holy Breath!
Filed Under: Christ became the Spirit, Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, feeding on the Lord, God's economy, morning revival, O Lord Jesus!, our birthright, the all-inclusive Christ, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Triune God, the Word of God Tagged With: 2015 ITERO fall, breathe in the Spirit, breathe ourselves out, calling on the name of the Lord, Christ became the flesh, Christ became the life-giving Spirit, holy word for morning revival, receive the holy breath, the consummated Spirit