Our prayer in the church as the house of prayer should be for the fulfillment of God’s economy; the prayer that is pleasing to God is the prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus that asks for the accomplishment of God’s will and for the fulfillment of is interest on earth. The church as […]
In the Church as a House of Prayer we Pray for the Fulfilment of God’s Economy!
We need to See and Live in the Great Mystery of Christ and the Church as one Spirit

God is a mystery, Christ is the mystery of God, and the church is the mystery of Christ; Christ and the church as one spirit are the great mystery. Today we live in an age of mystery; the age of grace, the age of the church, is not the age of outward manifestation of what […]
We need to Know what is the Will of God: God Works Himself into us for the Church

We need to understand and know what is the will of God, realizing that God’s will is what He wants and what He intends to accomplish, that is, to work Himself into us to gain His corporate expression consummating in the New Jerusalem. This week we come to a new series of morning revival book […]
In the One New Man only Christ has the Absolute Freedom to Speak: He is the Person

In the one new man there is only one person – Christ – and only this person has the freedom to speak; the Lord Jesus has the absolute freedom to speak, and our natural man has absolutely no freedom to speak. Amen! In the church as the universal one new man we all – all […]
We Take Christ as our Person in our Speaking to Speak the Same Thing with One Mouth

For the church as the one new man we all need to take Christ as our person in our speaking so that we may think the same thing and speak the same thing with one mouth. This doesn’t mean that we are becoming like robots speaking the same words, same intonation, at the same time, […]
Drinking the Spirit to be Constituted of Christ and be His Body, the Corporate Christ

What is the Body of Christ? According to 1 Cor. 12:12-13, the Body of Christ is the corporate Christ, Christ the Head with Christ the Body, and the way we are part of this Body is by drinking the Spirit to be constituted with the element of Christ. How wonderful it is to see a […]
We’re Being made Christ for the Body of Christ to Live Christ and Express Him Together

The purpose of us believers being members one of another in the Body is that we would live Christ express Him together, and for this to happen, we must be made Christ for the Body of Christ. Hallelujah for the Body of Christ, the continuation and extension of Christ on the earth today! Christ is […]