Christ made Propitiation for us by Satisfying God’s Demands to make us One with God

The Lord Jesus made propitiation for us, satisfying the requirements of God’s righteousness, holiness, and glory, and He appeased God for us; now we can come forward to God and be one with God. In the Old Testament there was the type of expiation, in which there was the slaining of a goat and sprinkling […]

Christ accomplished Expiation – He Redeemed us by making Propitiation for our Sins

Leviticus chapter 16 speaks of only one thing, the expiation, and this matter of the expiation is a type of the propitiation made by the blood of Christ as part of His redemption on the New Testament; Christ accomplished expiation! The subject of the book of Leviticus is that Christ is everything in the fellowship […]

Christ made Purification of Sins and Sat Down: Hallelujah, Redemption is Accomplished!

The Lord Jesus as the reality of the trespass offering has made purification of sins and sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high: all has been accomplished, He did it all, and we can just enjoy it and praise the Lord! Hallelujah! Our Christ as the reality of the trespass offering […]

The Fourfold Effectiveness of the Precious Blood of Christ as the Sin Offering

Hallelujah for the blood of Christ as the sin offering, which satisfies God, is our standing in prayer, brings us into God’s presence, is effective for our redemption, and constantly flows to cleanse us from every sin! Praise the Lord for the precious blood of Christ as the sin offering which is eternally effective! If […]

Christ’s First Coming was Humble but His Second will be Victorious (Zechariah 9-14)

In the last six chapters of Zechariah, we see many prophecies concerning the Lord’s two comings, with specific details that have been and will be fulfilled as historical events. But we need to see that the focal point and the major content of the divine history within the human history are the two comings of […]

God’s accomplishments on the bridge of time from creation to the building

John chapter 1 is an amazing chapter, speaking of at least five major things that God accomplished as He stepped out of eternity and onto the bridge of time. First of all, in the beginning, when there was no time, there was the Word with God and as God. You can’t explain how He was, […]

we can share in Christ’s sufferings for the producing and building up of the Body of Christ

For the building up of the church we need the ministry – our experience of the riches of Christ in a subjective way, having Christ wrought into our being through all kinds of sufferings and consuming pressures…. This kind of experiences produces and constitutes the ministry for God’s new covenant, and these experiences are for the building up of the Body of Christ today! We love the ministry – we don’t “hate the gifts”, but we value more being a minister of the new covenant than desiring to be a gifted one…