As we realize that there’s a divine history within the human history, we need to consider whether we live only in the human history or also in the divine history; we live in the divine history by living in the church to be the enlargement of the manifestation of Christ. The divine history within human […]
Being Renewed in our Mind and Living in the Church to live in the Divine History
God Predestinated us unto Sonship according to the Good Pleasure of His Will

God predestinated us unto sonship according to the good pleasure of His will; He chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy before Him in love, and He wants to make us sons of God in full, expressing God corporately. Hallelujah for the great will of God, the eternal will of God, […]
Like Jacob, We have been Called for God’s Purpose and Our God is the God of Dealings

In the story of Jacob as recorded in Genesis we see how God chose him, selected him, and then called him. Even though he started out by struggling, fighting, and supplanting, by the end of his life, Jacob became Israel, a prince of God, one who was expressing God and representing Him on earth. Jacob […]
Since God Loved us and Selected us, we should Cast Ourselves on Him and Trust Him!

In the life of Jacob we see that he was chosen by God, dealt with by God, and broken by God so that he would enter into the reality of the dream he saw at Bethel in Gen. 28. First he saw the dream, and the dream of the house of God – God being […]
Seeing the Church as the Mystery of Christ in Paul’s Completing Ministry

In the Old Testament most of what God did in relation to His people was outwardly and even supernaturally, and the people of Israel knew they had God’s presence with them as He was protecting them, guiding them, speaking to them, and doing all kinds of things for them. But today in the New Testament […]
the focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is the Divine Trinity for the divine dispensing
What is the focus of all the 22 epistles in the New Testament? Have you ever considered that there’s something deeper in the Epistles, like an underlying structure, a focus? I personally haven’t, to be honest, but by enjoying the morning revival on, The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery, especially week two, I have been so impressed with this… The focus of the Epistles in the New Testament is not doctrines, teachings, Christianity, working for God, outward practices, etc – the focus of the Epistles is the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing! [read online a comprehensive list of verses in the Epistles clearly showing us the Triune God dispensing Himself into man!]
the dispensing of the Triune God into the members of the Body of Christ as revealed in Ephesians
What an epistle the book of Ephesians is! Part of the heart of the Bible and speaking from the standpoint of God’s purpose and His economy, the book of Ephesians speaks of God’s economy being accomplished through the exercise of our spirit – for the producing and building up of the church as the Body […]