On the cross Christ abolished in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, the middle wall of partition, and He created the new man in Himself; He destroyed all the ordinances to make peace, and He Himself became our peace. Hallelujah! On the negative side, Christ in His death destroyed all the negative […]
Allow the Lord to Break through in us and Abolish all Ordinances for the One New Man
The Word is Growing and People are Added to the Lord as we Call on the name of the Lord

Praise the Lord, we today are in the continuation of the book of Acts, and the word of God is still growing and being multiplied among us, and many people are being added to the Lord as we live in the divine history within the human history in the church life! The book of Acts […]
Unceasing Prayer is the way for us to Walk according to the Spirit in our Daily Life

The way for us to daily walk according to the spirit and habitually have this kind of living is only by unceasing prayer, that is, by spiritually breathing all the time though praying unceasingly. This is something we all have to do in a personal way before the Lord and with the Lord. We cannot […]
Living a Rejoicing Life by Calling on the name of the Lord and Rejoicing in Him

God trains us, His people, to live a rejoicing life, a happy life; as we touch the Spirit in our spirit, there’s a law of rejoicing, and we rejoice in the Lord, spontaneously! Amen, Hallelujah! In Leviticus we see how God trained His people to live a holy, clean, and rejoicing life. First of all, […]
The Foundation, Purpose, Principles and Practice of Morning Revival

My Foundation: To know Him the Lord has been my aspiration since my prayer in 1970, “God, if You are real, be real to me.” In the spring of 1973 I was introduced to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee through some faithful brothers. These brothers taught me that the best and most […]
Turning to our Spirit and Calling on the Name of the Lord to Seek the Things Above

In order for us to seek the things which are above and set our mind on them (Col. 3:1-2) we need to be those turning to our spirit by calling on the name of the Lord, and we need to experience the dividing of the soul from the spirit (Heb. 4:12). The three parts of […]
Christ became the Spirit to Breathe Himself into us: Receive the Holy Breath!

One of the most crucial points of the major items of the Lord’s recovery today is the consummated Spirit, what the Bible calls, “the Spirit” (John 7:39; Rev. 22:17). The matter of the consummated Spirit is also one of the most neglected and misused matters in today’s Christianity. God dwells in unapproachable light, and no […]