The building up of the church is the aim of God’s eternal purpose and plan; today God is doing only one thing: He is working to get a building, the church, as the mingling of God with man and the building up of the regenerated and transformed believers in Christ. When we see a vision […]
God’s Building is the Test of our Spirituality; Real Spirituality is for the Body
Being Built up with the Saints in the Body to be Prepared as the Bride of Christ

Since every genuine believer in Christ is a “little New Jerusalem”, we need to experience all the features and aspects of the New Jerusalem today in the church life. We need to have a foretaste of the New Jerusalem today. The New Jerusalem is a city, and today we need to be under God’s throne […]
A Built-up Church Has the Presence of God – God’s Presence is Everything to us

After seeing that God’s desire and His focus today is to build up the church for the preparation and bringing in of the New Jerusalem, we need to continue to see the conditions of a built-up church today as depicted by the conditions of the New Jerusalem. The church is the miniature of the New […]
The highest and supreme requirement for a Christian is to be built up and be buildable
The Lord has a supreme and highest requirement of us all – to be built up with one another in the Triune God. Yes, you may love the saints, you may be spiritual, you may be faithful to the God-ordained practices – things which are good and we must all do – but if you’re […]
testimony from my first university semester – living a normal Christian church life on the campus
Praise the Lord for the church life! Praise the Lord for growing up in the church life, in a Christian family! Here, we are so cared for, protected, and shepherded in what the Lord is doing today – the practical church life. Whether “we like it or not”, we will go to the meetings with […]
2010 Poland conference testimony: Lord, make us so desperate for our birthright today!
So what began as an exciting 19-day summer escape to Europe actually became a 19-day journey of experiencing crucifixion, transformation and resurrection. Traveling and living with four sisters for almost three weeks straight, regardless of the fact that we’re sisters in Christ, will still result in the individual self naturally coming up to frustrate and […]