While reading and enjoying Genesis chapter 2, with the help of the Life-Study and the footnotes in the Recovery Version, I was impressed with the seven figures presented in Genesis 2. Actually, this picture has been drawn by God Himself in His Word and reveals to us what is in His mind and what He […]
God’s eternal purpose as revealed in the seven figures in Genesis 2
Filed Under: Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, feeding on the Lord, His heart's desire, the Christian Life, the church life, the high peak, the Word of God Tagged With: Adam and Eve, build up the Body, built up together, Christ and the church, Christ is life, Christ is the tree of life, contain God, God builds Himself in us, God's mind, God's purpose, man is a vessel, precious stones, rivers of living water, the Bride of Christ, the New Jerusalem, the river of life, transformation