We need to Grow in Life and be Transformed to be Living Stones for God’s Building

God’s goal is to have a spiritual house built up with living stones; Christ came to us as the incorruptible seed to grow in us and produce us as living stones for God’s building, and we as believers come to Him as a living stone to become living stones through regeneration and transformation. Amen! The […]

We are Being Transformed and Built up as Living Stones in God’s Spiritual House

As believers in Christ, we are becoming living stones for the building up of the church, God’s spiritual house on earth today. Christ as the stone-Savior produces living stones for God’s building. We are men of clay; we are born of our parents in the flesh, and we are of dust, men of clay. How […]

Only when we are Built and Coordinated into the Building can we Serve the Lord

As believers in Christ we are both living stones being built up into a spiritual house and a priesthood that is built up and coordinated into the building of God. In Exodus we see that the goal of God delivering His people from Egypt, bringing them across the Red Sea, giving them heavenly food and drink in […]

We need to be Built up to be God’s Dwelling Place to Serve Him as the Priesthood

In the building of God, the goal of God’s work and His heart’s desire, the living stones are the priests, and the building is the priesthood; for us to be the priesthood in reality, we need to be built up in God and with one another for God’s building. If we read the Old Testament […]

The Coordinated Body of Priests, the Priesthood, is God’s Built-up Spiritual House

God’s heart’s desire to have a corporate expression in this universe is fulfilled by the priesthood; what the Lord is doing today is to recover the priesthood, and we as believers in Christ need to cooperate with Him to be those who are brought into His presence and even into the Lord Himself until we […]

God desires to have as His dwelling place a group of people into whom He can enter and dwell

Where does God dwell today? Does He dwell in the heavens? Is the earth His dwelling place? God who created all things, who is over all, in all, and through all – where does He dwell? In the book of Isaiah we see something marvelous being revealed concerning God’s desire to dwell not in the […]

Christ as the Stone-Savior is also the cornerstone to join us and build us up together in God’s building

The stone that the builders rejected – Christ – has become the head of the corner (Psa. 118:22): Christ as the stone rejected and despised by the Jewish builders/people has become the cornerstone to join together the Jews and the Gentiles into one Body, the Body of Christ! Actually, the “head of the corner” can […]