The Heading up of All Things in Christ Involves the Building up of the Church

All the genuine believers in Christ love the Lord, seek to know Him and be found in Him, and they yearn to see the church built up. However, the matter of the building up of the church has been very much missed throughout history, and the Lord was not able to obtain the built up […]

God’s Building is the Test of our Spirituality; Real Spirituality is for the Body

The building up of the church is the aim of God’s eternal purpose and plan; today God is doing only one thing: He is working to get a building, the church, as the mingling of God with man and the building up of the regenerated and transformed believers in Christ. When we see a vision […]

Today God needs a Remnant to Go Outside the Camp unto Christ for God’s Building

If we see that the only thing God is doing and caring for today is the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, we will give ourselves to cooperate with Him for His building. If the Lord is merciful to us to show us His building, we will realize that He cannot build […]

The Visions in the Scriptures are Related to God’s Building, which is the Church

In relation to the church we need to have a clear vision of what the church is, we need to see what is the practice of the church, and we need to give ourselves to the Lord for the building up of the church. The church as the Body of Christ is an organic entity, […]

Transformation Issues in Building up the Church Consummating in the New Jerusalem

The issue of God’s transforming work is the building up of the church, the Body of Christ, consummating in the New Jerusalem. God doesn’t want to transform us so that we may be “shining gems in the universal spiritual museum”; He wants us as His people to be transformed so that we would be built up […]

The Kingdom is the Reality of the Church: Live the Kingdom Life in the Church Life

The New Jerusalem as the holy city of God with man, the consummation of God’s work throughout the ages and the fulfilment of His purpose for eternity, should be our experience as a foretaste today in the church life. The New Jerusalem is a city – the centre of the kingdom of God, the place […]

Only Life Can Mend: Only the Ministry of Life in Love can Mend us to Build up the Church

Only life can mend. Only the mending ministry of life in love can mend us for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ. If we look around us we will see that both us and others have many problems, holes, lacks, and issues, and there are many broken hearts and broken […]