In order for us to become suitable materials for God’s building, we need to experience Christ in His death (signified by cypress), Christ in His resurrection (signified by cedar), and Christ as the Spirit (signified by olive wood), being filled with the Holy Spirit and being in spirit for God’s building. Amen! This week […]
Allow the Crucified and Resurrected Christ as the Spirit to Build Himself into us for the Church
our ability to prophesy is produced through the daily enjoyment of Christ

The greatest of all gifts and the most excelling gift for the building up of the church is prophesying (see 1 Cor. 1:2, 9, 24, 30; 5:7-8; 10:3-4; 15:45). All the believers have this gift, and this excelling gift of prophesying is produced in the growth in life through the enjoyment of Christ (see 1 […]
taking the way of each one prophesying for the building up of the church

The way for us to build up the church as the organic Body of Christ is through prophesying. God desires to have a built-up church, and Christ promised, “I will build My church” (Matt. 16:18). How does Christ build up His church? In Ephesians 4:15-16 we see that the whole Body grows by holding the […]
through the church as the Zion today God will turn the whole earth to Himself
In the local churches and in the proper church life we as God’s servants “take pleasure in her stones” – we learn to take pleasure in all the saints, the stones in God’s building. We all are stones as building materials for the church (1 Pet. 2:5). We should take pleasure in all the members of the church. When we experience the resurrected Christ, we will see more than the natural features of others, and we will treasure all the other stones. Yes, others may have some peculiarities, but Christ as the stone element is in them, and we also have Christ as the stone in us! Praise the Lord for all the stones. [read more online]
The Bible is about Life and Building; God is seeking a building, and we are saved for God’s building!
In the entire Bible we see that God is seeking a building. The very first vision in the Bible, which sets the principle for all the following visions in the Bible, is Jacob’s dream in Gen. 28 – a vision of Bethel, God’s dwelling place. All the spiritual visions in the Scriptures are with God’s […]
college-age conference sharing – on our Christian Journey, Lord, make us willing to consecrate ourselves for God’s Building
Our Christian Life is a journey. It begins with our exodus from Egypt and our crossing of the Red Sea. But it doesn’t end there. Rather, our salvation and our baptism were only the beginning of a life long journey with the Lord. So let us not stop or wander forever in the wilderness but […]