We need to pray to stand against the frustration of the enemy regarding the building up of the church as the kingdom of God, the city of God. As the Jews were rebuilding the wall of the city in the time of Nehemiah, there was great opposition and frustration; on the one hand, they […]
Pray to Stand against the Frustration of the Enemy regarding the Building of the Church
The Need for the Building of the Wall for the Protection of the Church as God’s House

There is a need for the building of the wall for the protection of the church as the house of God today. We need to build up the church as the house of God, the temple of God, and also as the city of God, the kingdom of God; we need to experience Christ […]
Having a Heart to Build the Church and being Properly Aggressive for God’s Interest

We need to have a heart to build the church and be properly aggressive for God’s interest on the earth. Nehemiah was a pattern of one who had a dispensational value to God, for he was properly aggressive and had a heart to build the city of God so that the interests of God […]
The Pattern of Nehemiah as the Perfect Leader who had Dispensational Value to God

We need to consider the pattern of Nehemiah; he was a true overcomer; he was a pattern of someone who has dispensational value to God, for he was properly aggressive for God and His people, he had a pure heart, he was not ambitious, and he was the perfect leader. We should consider an example […]
Being Properly Aggressive to Build up the Church as the House of God and City of God

A person who had dispensational value to God was Nehemiah, who was a true overcomer; he was a properly aggressive person before God for His people, and His proper aggressiveness was for the building of the city of God so that He may have a kingdom on earth. When Israel was taken into captivity for […]