The need for the full Recovery of the Church Life with Christ as the Center and Content

 God’s desire is for Christ to be the center and content of the church so that Christ would be expressed fully in the church; the history of the Ark and the tabernacle in 1 and 2 Samuel is a type of the church history until the recovery of the church life, where God can […]

Our Greatest Need is to Get into the Truth and be Trained in the Divine Revelation

Our greatest need today is to get into the truth and be trained in the divine revelation so that we may be constituted with the truth. We thank the Lord for the Bible, the Word of God, which contains the divine truth; however, we need to see that we need to uphold the truth by […]

Objective Doctrines need to become Subjective Truths as Spirit and Life for the Church

We need to be absolute for both the objective truths and the subjective truths; the objective doctrines are for the subjective truth to produce and build up the church. The truth in the divine revelation is not something relative, as the worldly people today seem to make it. In the world today truth is becoming […]

Christ holds the Key of David to Build up the Church as the House of God and Kingdom of God

To the recovered church, the Lord is the One who has the key of David – He has the key of the kingdom with authority to open and shut; He builds up the church as the house of God and establishes the kingdom of God for God’s expression and representation in the church. Hallelujah! All […]

Being the Remnant of God’s People who Return to the Ground of Oneness to Build up the Church

The Lord’s desire is that all His people would return from any captivity and build up His dwelling place; however, it is only a remnant that returns, and this remnant builds up the church and prepares a way for the Lord’s coming. In Jeremiah we see not only how the people of Israel have forsaken […]

God Prophesied His People will Return from Captivity: we Cooperate by Praying for this

Through Jeremiah, God promised and prophesied that His people will return from captivity and will rebuild God’s house; when Daniel read this, he prayed for God’s will according to the Scriptures, and God fulfilled his prayer. Hallelujah, our God is a God of recovery and restoration! First He calls us, He redeems us, and He […]

God Promises to Bring His people from their Captivity back to the Enjoyment of Christ

In Jeremiah Jehovah promised to turn the captivity of Israel and bring them back to their land; God promises to turn the captivity of so His believers and bring them back to the full enjoyment of Christ as the all-inclusive good land. This week in our crystallization-study of Jeremiah and Lamentations we come to an […]