We can experience transfiguration in the church life today by losing our soul-life for the Lord’s sake and for the sake of the church. The church as the kingdom of God cannot exist in the natural life but only in the realm of transfiguration; if we today are willing to lose our soul-life for the […]
Experience Transfiguration in the Church Life by Losing our Soul-Life for the Lord
As Ministers of Christ we’re Feeders and Builders to Build the Church as God’s House

We need to see that, as believers in Christ, we are feeders and builders to build up the church as the magnificent house of God. Amen! As believers in Christ who allow the Lord to measure us for the deepening of the flow of life and who enjoy Christ as the flow of life, we […]
Live & Walk by the Spirit to be Anointed with the Compound Spirit for God’s Building

When we live and walk according to the Spirit and in the mingled spirit, we are anointed with the compound Spirit for God’s building. The holy anointing oil in Exo. 30 was used to anoint the tabernacle with everything and everyone related to its service; the compound Spirit is for the anointing of the saints […]
Being Filled Continuously with the Spirit for the Noble Work of Building up the Church

We need to be filled continuously with the Spirit for the noble work of building up of the church as the Body of Christ. If we want to walk in the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we need to have much and thorough prayer in our life and service, praying at […]
The Church is the House of God and the Household of God – the Church is of God!

The church is the house of God, even the household of God, the house of the living God, an organic entity that grows and expands to express the Triune God on earth. Hallelujah for the church! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic, The Function of the Church (1) The […]
Experience the Subjective Truths as Spirit and Life for the Building up of the Church

As believers in Christ, we need to know, experience, and be absolute for the subjective truths; we need to know and experience the subjective truth, which is Spirit and life, for the producing and building up of the church. Indeed, God desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of […]
We should Participate in God’s Building – the Mutual Constitution of God and Man

As believers in Christ who love Him and work for God today in the church life, we need to participate in God’s building so that He may gain a mutual constitution – the constitution of the divine element into the human element and of the human element into the divine element. Amen! God’s unique desire […]