As believers in Christ, we have been rooted in Christ as the rich soil, and we grow with the elements we absorb from the soil; we need to take time to absorb Christ as the rich and all-inclusive soil into whom we have been rooted, for He is a land in which we do not […]
Rooted in Christ: Spend time with Him to Absorb His Riches and Grow for the Body
Reigning in Life is the Key to our Rich Experience of God’s Organic Salvation

Reigning in life is the key to our rich experience of God’s organic salvation, for reigning in life in Rom. 5 is the key to everything spoken of in Rom. 6-16. We may have never thought about this, but if you prayerfully consider the matter of reigning in life by living under the ruling […]
Allow Christ to Defeat us as He Descends and Ascends Within us to make us Gifts to the Body

We need to allow Christ to defeat, subdue, conquer, and vanquish us as He descends and ascends within us so that He may fill us and constitute us into gifts for His Body. Through His descending and ascending, Christ defeated Satan and death, He took us as His captives, and made us gifts to […]
We Share in the Work of the Lord by Working together with Him in and for the Body

As lovers of the Lord who are in the progressive experience of Christ in the divine romance, we share in the work of the Lord; we work in the Body and for the Body, we work together with the Lord and one with Him, and we give all our love to the Lord in […]
Having the Gifts of Grace in Life and Speaking Words of Grace to Build up the Body

In the Body of Christ, we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us as a result of our experience of Christ; we need to exercise the gifts of grace in life and speak grace to the saints for the building up of the Body of Christ. Everything in the church […]
As the Church of God in Christ Jesus we Stand upon Grace and Receive Grace upon Grace

A genuine church is based upon the grace given to it in Christ Jesus; this grace is not given to the church based on the spirituality of the church but in Christ Jesus, and we receive grace as our base and stand upon grace to receive grace upon grace. Hallelujah! A very simple and […]
Being Blended together in Resurrection to be Overcomers to Defeat the Enemy and Build the Body

Gideon and his three hundred men were blended together by God to be a barley loaf tumbling over the camp of the Midianites; when we’re blended together in resurrection to be a barley loaf, one bread, we as the church overcome the enemy and stand in Christ as our victory. Hallelujah, today we live in […]