Though we often forsake God and run after other things to find satisfaction, we can repent and return to drink Him as living waters in our daily life. God is faithful to deal with our idols and bring us back to the enjoyment of Christ that we may drink of Him; though we are […]
Though we Often Forsake God, we can Repent and Return to Drink Him as Living Waters
Advance in our Enjoyment of Christ to Reign in Life and Live Christ for His Magnification

We need to advance in our enjoyment of Christ until we reign in life and live Christ for His magnification. The root of all evil of the evil kings in 1 and 2 Kings was their forsaking God as the fountain of living waters and turning to idols as broken cisterns that hold no […]
Learning to Shepherd others according to God’s Desire out of Love for the Lord Jesus

This week in our prayerful consideration of propagating Christ we come to the matter of, Shepherding the Flock of God according to God by Being Patterns of the Flock, and today in particular we want to see what it means to shepherd according to God’s desire. The Christ we propagate is not only the incarnated […]
Enjoying God as the Fountain of Living Waters and Helping Others to also Drink Him

Today we need to first enjoy God as the fountain of living waters and then be one with the Lord to encourage and shepherd others to experience and enjoy God as the fountain of living waters. The ministry of life encourages the saints, shepherds them, leads them, and guides them to one thing – to […]
only by coming to God as the fountain of living waters can we be satisfied fully and become His expression today!

In Isaiah and in Jeremiah we see God dealing with His people, and many times we have the impression that “God wants to punish Israel” – all those judgements, wars, etc. But there is a verse in Jeremiah that sheds some fresh light on what God desires from His people, how does He want to […]