As believers in Christ, we are God-men who have the divine right to participate in God’s image by being metabolically transformed into the image of Christ and we have the right to participate in God’s glory. Hallelujah! We need to be reminded of our divine rights. We are not only human beings but divine-human […]
We have the Right to Participate in God’s Image and to Participate in God’s Glory
Christ is Leading the Many Sons of God into Glory to be God’s Expression Corporately

What is the church according to the Bible, and what is God’s purpose for the church? Many people think that church is that building on the corner of the street with a tall steeple and a cross on top of it. Many believers believe that the church is the gathering of the Christians, the family […]
Christ is Coming to be Glorified in His Saints: He is in us as the Hope of Glory!

The Lord Jesus Christ is coming to be glorified in His saints. Today He is in us as the hope of glory, but He will return soon to be glorified, marveled at, and admired in all His believers. When Christ comes the second time He will not only come from the heavens – He will […]
A Panoramic View of the Glory of God in the Economy of God: We are Destined to Glory

The New Jerusalem has the glory of God as its content, and it expresses God by shining Him out to the entire universe (Rev. 21:10-11). The glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God. In His economy, God wants to make the same as He is in life and nature (but not […]
Paul’s gospel is a gospel of sonship – God’s intention is to bring many sons into glory
Saints, it is enough! We should no longer preach the poor gospel telling people that “God doesn’t want them to go to hell but to go to heaven if they believe in Jesus”! We need to preach the gospel by speaking the truth revealed in the gospel of God in Romans! Tell people that once they believe in the Lord, their sins will be forgiven and they will be redeemed and justified by God, reconciled to God, and accepted by God! Let us speak the high and complete gospel! [continue reading this portion online + add your own comment / portion]