It is quite amazing to see the contrast between the book of Ruth and the book of Judges; in Judges, we see many powerful men who did great things for God yet failed at the end of their life, while in Ruth we see a person on the line of life, seemingly quite weak, who […]
Taking the Way of Life by Enjoying and Experiencing Christ as Life to Express God
Choose to take the Way of Life and not the Way of Power to be Those who Bring forth Christ

When reading the books of Joshua, Judges, and Ruth we need to beware of not taking the way of the judges to be powerful and to do a great work but rather, take the way of life in the church life, for only life can bring forth Christ. Amen! This week we come to the […]
Turn to God, have an Active Faith, and be Joined to God’s People to Bring forth Christ

Regardless of our background, if we turn to God and His people and are joined to the proper person among God’s people (in a spiritual sense), having an active faith in God, we will bring forth proper fruit and participate in the enjoyment of the birthright of Christ. This week in our crystallization study of […]
In the Covenant of Grace God is Working Himself into Us to Bring Forth Christ

It is not easy to understand what the Old Testament speaks of if you don’t have the proper view, that is, if you don’t see God’s economy. It is easy to misunderstand and misinterpret the stories and prophecies in the Old Testament if you don’t see what the whole Bible speaks about. The Apostle Paul […]
Allowing God to Work Himself into us for the Bringing Forth of Christ (the Seed)

In Genesis 12 we see that God came to Abraham and called him out to go to a land which He would give him and to his seed. Later, God appeared to Abraham, again and again, promising him a seed, and in Gen. 15:4-5 we see that, The word of Jehovah came to him, saying,…[He] […]