What a Christ-filled week we had in Poland at the 2010 Poland camp! This year the subject of the messages covered was ‘The significance, preciousness and enjoyment of the birthright in God’s economy’. You may ask ‘What is the birthright?’ The birthright is the special portion of the firstborn son. The birthright contains three special […]
God’s intention is to have many sons that are just like His firstborn Son
In the beginning of the ages, when there was no time, God is/was/will be. He simply is – He exists by Himself, through Himself, and no one is needed for Him to just be. Here, Christ was the Only Begotten Son of God, being part of the Divine Trinity. But God’s desire, His intention, was […]
God’s heart’s desire and His eternal purpose, His economy, are related to man!
From eternity past to eternity future, God was, is, and will be. He simply exists: He existed even before time began! But at one point there was a council in the divine Trinity – The Triune God took a decision, He had a counsel – He wants a corporate expression in this universe (Gen 1:26)! For this, […]