God has blended the Body together (1 Cor. 12:24); we need to be blended together by learning to stop and fellowship with other saints before doing anything, and by doing all things through the cross and by the Spirit so that we may minister Christ to others. This week in our morning revival we come […]
Blended Together through the Cross, by the Spirit, with much Fellowship for the Body
Being Blended together in Resurrection to be Overcomers to Defeat the Enemy and Build the Body

Gideon and his three hundred men were blended together by God to be a barley loaf tumbling over the camp of the Midianites; when we’re blended together in resurrection to be a barley loaf, one bread, we as the church overcome the enemy and stand in Christ as our victory. Hallelujah, today we live in […]
Let’s pray for the full-time teams laboring on the college campuses (2)

Dear saints, let us pray that the full-time teams laboring on the college campuses would be blended together in one accord, which is the master key to every blessing in the New Testament (Acts 1:14; 2:46-47; Lev. 2:4). The way to be blended is by much and thorough prayer, as fine flour of the wheat, […]
Learning to be Blended in the Local Churches for the Reality of the Body of Christ

The purpose of the blending is to usher us all into the reality of the Body of Christ, and today we are learning to be blended in the local churches for the reality of the Body. Hallelujah, the local churches are a procedure for us to be brought into the reality of the Body of […]
The Lord urgently needs the Overcomers who Live in the Reality of the Body of Christ

For us to be in the reality of the Body of Christ we need to be the overcomers in the churches – the Lord urgently needs the overcomers who live in the reality of the Body of Christ. What the Lord wants to gain today is the reality of the Body of Christ, for this […]
Learn to Fellowship and Coordinate, and Follow the Spirit and the Saints in the Body

Ezekiel 1 presents a wonderful picture of the coordination we should have in the church life; as the living creatures, we need to follow the Spirit and fellowship and coordinate with the saints in the church service. The church is the Body of Christ and the kingdom of God; as believers in Christ and members […]
Paying the Price to Gain More God in His Divine Nature and being Blended Together

I never thought that the golden lampstand is related to the new revival the Lord wants to gain, but this week as we get into the crystallization-study of Exodus it is made clear to me that this is the case. The intrinsic significance of the golden lampstand is related to the highest peak of the […]