Praise the Lord for the new covenant! We need to see and appropriate the contents of the new covenant as God’s bequests to us, from the forgiveness of our sins to the imparting of the law of life, having God as our God and being His people, and knowing God inwardly in the way of […]
We need to See and Appropriate the Contents of the New Covenant as God’s Bequests to us
We need to Enjoy Christ as the Good Shepherd and the Great Shepherd of the Sheep

Christ is the good Shepherd who came that we may have life and have it abundantly, and He is the great Shepherd of the sheep making sure we enjoy all the bequests of the new covenant. How we love our dear Lord Jesus, the Shepherd according to God’s heart, who is both the good Shepherd, […]
We Respond to Christ’s Heavenly Ministry and Live in Spirit to Enjoy the New Covenant

For us to receive the application of all the blessings of the new covenant and enjoy them in our experience, we need to be those who respond to Christ’s heavenly ministry by exercising our spirit, living in the spirit, and corresponding to and reflecting what He is doing to execute the new covenant. When Christ […]
Christ on the Throne is now Executing the New Covenant for us to Enjoy its Bequests

Christ in His ascension is on the throne executing the new covenant for us to enjoy all its bequests. Praise the Lord for the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah and enacted by the Lord Jesus, according to which God inscribes His law into our mind that we may know Him, He puts His law within […]
The Inner Law of Life Imparts the Divine Life into us and makes us Functioning Members

Christ Himself is the new covenant, the new testament, of life given to us by God; according to this covenant, God writes His laws on our heart, He gives us Christ as the reality of all His riches, and the inner law of life works out in us all that God has promised and has […]
The Church is a Living Composition of the Sons of God, the many Brothers of Christ

The book of Hebrews reveals that we are the many brothers of Christ, who is the Firstborn Son of God, and the church is a living composition of the many sons of God, who are the many brothers of Christ. Hallelujah! The book of Hebrews is full of encouragement, first of all to remain with […]