Faith is a substantiating ability infused into us by the Lord when we believe into Him; we live by faith, not by appearance, and we regard the things which are not seen, which are eternal, not the things which are seen, which are temporary. Amen! Faith is like a sixth sense which has been imparted […]
Faith is a Substantiating Ability for us to Enjoy God and Infuse God into Others
Having our Faith Developed to Substantiate the Unseen Things and become Overcomers!

Today we live in the age of mystery, which is the age of faith; we know God by faith, we receive God by faith, we live by faith, and we believe in things unseen, even live a life of things unseen, for we substantiate God by faith. Everything related to God is a mystery and […]
Exercising our Spirit of Faith, our Sixth Sense, to be Assured of the Things of God

Our Christian life is a life of faith; faith is a substantiating ability, a sixth sense, the sense by which we substantiate God and all the things of God, and this sense and ability is implanted into us by Christ through His Word and His appearing. Our faith as believers is not actually ours; we […]
Our Christian Life is a Life by Faith, a Life of Things Unseen and Hoped For

Today in the church age we are in the age of mystery, and the age of mystery is the age of faith. Everything related to God and to the spiritual things are matters of faith and can be substantiated by faith. If we don’t have faith, if we don’t believe, we don’t see or have […]
a trainee’s testimony – loving the Lord and building up a romantic relationship with Him
I’m in love with Him, I always loved Him. Yet coming to the training made me doubt my love towards Him. Was my love temporary? Or was it an impulsive decision? Many times, I told myself, this was the greatest mistake that I made in my whole life – to be in the full time training…. A Christian life is a life of believing in the things unseen. We have never seen the Lord – yet we love Him (1 Pet 1:8). In every circumstance, I learned to go to the Lord, confess, repent, weep, and see that I am nothing but Christ is everything. It’s heart-aching, to come to Him and say, Lord, take it away if it’s something that replaces You. I want Thy increase and my decrease. [continue reading online]