It is indeed wonderful, relieving, and liberating to realize that faith does not originate from us: we cannot manufacture faith, we are not supposed to “try our best to believe”, but we simply need to open to the Lord and spend time with Him in His word, and there will be a reaction in us […]
Faith is to Believe that God is and we are Not; we live in an Organic Union with Him
The Believers in Christ are the Corporate Seed of Abraham, those Living by Faith

As believers in Christ, we are sons of Abraham, and we need to live a life by faith – we need to be today’s “river crossers” to live the life of the altar and the tent. Abraham’s life and experience of God is being repeated in our life and experience with God today. We walk […]
The Church is the Household of the Faith Composed of All the Believers in Christ

In the completing ministry of Paul we see many aspects and definitions of what the church is, and one of these is, the household of the faith. The church is the house of God and the house of faith. First of all, without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to God, since if […]
a normal healthy fear of God keeps us from God’s judgement(podcast #35 from ageturners)
We need to have a healthy normal fear of God in order for us to be preserved and sanctified in our daily living. The Lord is coming and He will judge the righteous and the unrighteous. What is it that motivates us to fear Him in the most healthy and proper way? As young people […]
the all-inclusive Christ is Jehovah God, the Great I Am; Jesus is the I AM!
When Jehovah sent Moses to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt, He told him, “Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you” (Exo. 3:14). The Jehovah of the people of Israel, the One who is their God and wants to relate to them and have them […]
God wants us to know Him personally, subjectively, and intimately; we need to know God!
So far I have been in awe at the Christ revealed in the book of Isaiah, as we have been going through the Crystallization-study of Isaiah (1). In message two we see that Christ is the Lord Jehovah, the Eternal God and we need to have a revelation of Him so that we can know Him, […]