Christ came in the likeness of the flesh of sin to be the reality of the type of the bronze serpent, and He died as our Substitute on the cross to condemn sin and destroy the devil – who is the source of sin. This is really amazing. In Leviticus 4 we see the sin […]
How Christ Died as a Bronze Serpent for us to be Saved of our Serpentine Nature
For God’s Building we need the Humanity of Jesus, His Human Life in Resurrection

The Lord Jesus is not only the Son of God but also the Son of Man, and as the Son of Man He is the unique material for God’s building; we need the humanity of Jesus for God’s building. God’s desire and intention is to obtain a building, which is the corporate expression of Himself […]
Loving the Brothers is a Strong Evidence that we Passed out of Death into Life

It is so encouraging to prayerfully study and consider the Lord’s word to the church in Philadelphia, the church of brotherly love, for in such a church we are those loving the brothers! The word Philadelphia means brotherly love, having affection for a brother, a love that is characterized by delight and pleasure (2 Pet. […]
In the New Covenant God Forgives our Sins and by No Means Remembers them Anymore!

This week we have been enjoying and diving deeper into the new covenant, which was prophesied by Jeremiah, quoted in Hebrews, and applied to us as believers in Christ today. The primary blessing of the new covenant is the imparting of the divine into us, which brings into us God’s life with the inner law […]
the Lord Jesus died on the cross as a God-man and accomplished an eternal redemption for us!
The Lord Jesus died on the cross for our redemption, and He was persecuted by man mainly in the first three hours of His crucifixion. In the last three hours of His crucifixion Christ was judged by God for our sins. He was made sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21) and He bore our sins […]