As believers in Christ, we need to learn to be victorious in Christ over Satan; we shouldn’t be ignorant of his schemes but rather, put on the whole armour of God to be able to stand against Satan’s stratagems, be watchful, and live in spirit. The enemy is crafty and deceitful, and he has many […]
We Put on the Armour of God and Live in Spirit to be Victorious in Christ over Satan
Being Watchful and Beseeching that we Prevail to Escape the Hour of Trial and be Raptured!

In Luke 21 the Lord Jesus told us to take heed to ourselves lest our heart be weighed down and that day will come as a snare upon us suddenly, and also to be watchful and beseech that we would prevail to escape the great tribulation and stand before the Son of Man. Our aspiration […]
Being Watchful and Ready to be the Overcomers Raptured by the Lord at His Hidden Coming

The Lord’s coming is imminent; His presence (His parousia) will first come hiddenly for those who are watchful and ready for His return, for He will come first to rapture the man-child and the firstfruits before the great tribulation, and His presence will conclude with His open coming for all to see at the end […]
Being those Watchful, Ready, and Prepared for the Lord’s Secret Coming as a Thief

To the dead and dying church in Sardis, the Lord tells to watch, for He comes as a thief, and they will by no means know at what hour He comes upon them (Rev. 3:3); we need to be watchful and ready, for the Lord will return at an hour we do not expect to […]
The Overcomers receive Authority over the Nations and Gain Christ the Morning Star

To those who overcome in the church in Thyatira the Lord promises to give them authority over the nations to shepherd them, and to give them the morning star (Rev. 2:26-28); the way for us to overcome is to be watchful and ready for the Lord’s return so that we may receive the reward of […]
Not Loving the World but Loving the Lord’s Appearing and Ministering Christ to Others

Our God is a rich, wonderful, and universally vast God, and His economy is to dispense all His riches to the members of His household so that they would be filled and saturated with God until they corporately express God as the church, the Body of Christ. In order to distribute all His riches into […]
Breaking Away from the World and Plundering it, being Watchful, and Enjoying Christ

The picture of the exodus of the people of Israel in the Old Testament matched with its interpretation and spiritual significance recorded in the New Testament give us a clear view of the significance of the exodus from Egypt. In Exodus 12:29-42 and 51 there are a number of details regarding Israel’s exodus from Egypt, […]