God needs man to recover the earth for God; He gave man to have dominion over the earth to subdue it, conquer it, and deal with God’s enemy so that He may recover the earth for the kingdom of God. This is God’s need. This is God’s intention from the very beginning. He created man […]
God’s Need is for Man to Subdue God’s Enemy and Recover the Earth for God’s Kingdom
God’s Presence is Everything to us, so we Practice being One with the Lord Daily

In our Christian walk and in our service to God in the church, God’s presence is everything to us; therefore, we need to be one with God in spirit, living in the mingled spirit to have His constant presence with us. This is seen throughout the Bible and in particular in the book of Joshua. […]
Seeing the Progressive Revelation of God in the Bible and Seeking God to Gain God

Job and his friends probably lived in the age of Abraham, and the revelation of God in the Bible was in its primitive stage at that time; Job’s real need is God Himself, and God’s dealings with him were so that he would be stripped of his self-attainments and be emptied to seek God deeper […]
We need to have Dispensational Value to God to End this Age and bring in the Kingdom

God is about to do the greatest move in the history of the universe, and for this, He needs a dispensational instrument; we need to be those who have a dispensational value before God to end this age and bring in the age of the kingdom. This week is our last week in the current […]
To be One with God we need Christ: He Justifies us and He makes us the Same as He is

How can we – fallen sinners – be one with God? We need Christ! How can we who do not have a heart for God and don’t go along with His heart and mind be one with God? It is only by Christ as the Shoot of David who is our redemption and justification, ushering […]
Not Sinning against God by not being One with Him but Living in the Lord’s Presence

The book of Jeremiah shows us the secret of Israel’s failures and defeats – they lost the Lord’s presence and were no longer one with God; we should always be one with our God, who is not only among us but also in us, making us men with God – God-men! Amen! For us to […]
One with God in the Principle of the Tree of Life by Depending on God in Everything

The book of Jeremiah shows us the principle of being one with God, which is the principle of the tree of life versus the principle of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (see Jer. 2:13); we must be those depending on God in everything. God wants to be one with man and He […]