In order for us to have the outflow of life we need to be one with Christ in His life-releasing death, that is, we need to be identified with the smitten Christ typified by the smitten rock. The Lord Jesus as life is in our spirit, even within the deepest part of our being. […]
Being Identified with the Smitten Christ to Flow out the Divine Life as Living Water
God is Happy when we Worship Him in Spirit, are One with Him, and Live for God’s Good Pleasure

God is happy when we worship Him in spirit, when we’re one with Him in His ministry to carry out His eternal economy, and when we are glorified; we need to be those in whom, with whom, and through whom God may have His good pleasure! Amen! There are some things that make God happy, […]
As Priests and Levites we Enjoy God and Minister Christ while doing Practical Things

In the New Testament all believers are both priests and Levites, and all our service should be under the supervision of the inward, spiritual view of the New Testament priesthood. In the Old Testament those who served God were of two classes – Levites (who did more practical things, serving the tabernacle and the priesthood, […]
We keep the Sabbath when we Rest and Enjoy God in a Solemn Way for His Satisfaction

The principle of the Sabbath is that God first wants us to rest and enjoy God, and then we can work together with Him. This principle applies both in creation and in redemption. When God created us, we didn’t have to work first but rest and enjoy God, and then we could work with Him. […]
God wants a Group of God-men, the One New Man bearing God’s Image to Express Him

God created man for the accomplishment of His economy; His intention in creating us is that we would become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for His expression (see Rev. 4:11; Eph. 1:4-5; John 1:12-13). Hidden in His heart for eternity, God’s desire and dream is not merely that He would […]