We need to be Priestly Teachers Saturated with God and Skillful in the Word of God

In the recovery and rebuilding of the temple and the city God raised up Ezra, a priestly scribe, to strengthen and enrich His recovery. Today the Lord needs many like Ezra who are priestly teachers contacting God knowing God’s word, being saturated with God, and being skillful in God’s word to teach and minister God […]

spending time in the Word of God to be constituted with God and speak for God (sharing from the conference in Portugal)

The conference in Porto, Portugal, last weekend was a timely word, a recalibration, a wonderful precious reminder. Reminder of what? In short of this: We have a speaking God; and we cannot but speak what we have seen and heard. Did you know? God is so real, but God Himself dwells in unapproachable light. He […]