Since we were raised together with Christ, we need to seek the things above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God; when we call on the name of the Lord and pray, we are in spirit, and in spirit we’re one spirit with the Lord, enjoying the reality of all that […]
Seek the Things Above by being in Spirit to Enjoy our Hidden Life with Christ in God
Having a Purified Heart and a Renewed Spirit for the Lord to have a Way among us
![Eph. 3:17 That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith.](
The Lord’s recovery depends upon our renewed and purified heart and on our renewed and strengthened spirit, for when our heart is fully possessed by Christ and our spirit is thoroughly saturated with the Spirit, God will have a way, and the recovery will be prevailing. We need to seek to be in spirit all […]
Go Outside the Camp to Christ and Offer God a Sacrifice of Praise through Christ
![Heb. 13:15 Through Him then let us offer up a sacrifice of praise continually to God, that is, the fruit of lips confessing His name.](
In Hebrews 13:1-19 we see many virtues and experiences which we need not only for our personal Christian life but for the practice of the church life; such experiences include brotherly love, practicing hospitality, holding on to Christ, following Jesus outside the camp, and offering a sacrifice of praise to God through Christ. After unveiling […]
We Serve God in Worship by Preaching the Gospel of God’s Son in our Mingled Spirit
![Christ and the Spirit are with the believers in their regenerated human spirit (2 Tim. 4:22; Rom. 8:16)....Whatever we are (2:29; 8:5-6, 9), whatever we have (8:10, 16), and whatever we do toward God (1:9; 7:6; 8:4, 13; 12:11) must be in this spirit. Paul served God in his regenerated spirit by the indwelling Christ, the life-giving Spirit, not in his soul by the power and ability of the soul. This is the first important item in his preaching of the gospel. Rom. 1:9, footnote 2, RcV Bible](
All the requirements related to the believers – as revealed in the New Testament – are met by Christ living in us; in order for us to live the Christian life and serve God in our spirit in the gospel of His Son, we need to daily receive the divine supply. There is no way […]