We need to have a sense, a consciousness, of the Body of Christ as the one new man, and we need to recognize our measure, not go beyond it, be blended with others, not consider ourselves more highly than others, but have a Body-consciousness and allow the Body to rule out any individualistic thought and […]
Recognize our Measure in the Body and Know our Need for the Function of other Members
Living in the Reality of the Body by having the Consciousness of the Body of Christ

In order for us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ together with the other members of the Body, we all need to have the consciousness of the Body of Christ; in the Body, there can be no independence or individualism but rather, we treasure the Body, we are members, and we […]
Holding the Head, Christ, by Enjoying Him as the Reality of all the Positive Things

The Christ who is the reality of all positive things is the One who is the Head of the Body; when we enjoy Him, we are Body-conscious and we are holding the Head (see Col. 2:19). Hallelujah for our unsearchably rich Christ, who is the reality of all positive things in the universe! Everything that […]
When we’re Body-Conscious we Depend on the Body just as we Depend on Christ the Head

When we have a revelation of the Body of Christ and realize we are members of the Body, we will be Body-conscious; any individualistic thought and action will be ruled out, and we will depend on the Body in everything. Our human life is an individualistic life, and as we grow up in today’s society, […]
Being Body-Conscious by Caring for the Body and having Christ’s Feeling for the Body

The church is the Body of Christ, and we all are members of the Body; for the Lord’s move in His recovery both locally and universally, we all must be Body-conscious in one accord, always caring for the Body and doing what’s best for the Body. When we see the Lord Jesus for the first […]
The Enjoyment of Christ Causes us to Hold Him as the Head and be Body-Conscious

The all-inclusive Christ is the reality of all the positive things in the universe, and this One is the Head of the Body. When we enjoy Christ as the reality of all the positive things we become conscious of the Body of Christ and we desire to meet with the saints and share our enjoyment […]
We Need to Practice the Church Life by Being Church-Conscious and Body-Conscious

All believers in Christ need to grow in life, be transformed, be matured, and arrive at a full-grown man for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. One of the most practical ways for our daily life to arrive at a full-grown man is to practice the church life in the consciousness of the one new man […]