It is really amazing to see how in Christ God and man have become one entity: He is the first God-man, One who is not just man but also God (He has the divine essence) and not only God but also man (He is a man). Jesus Christ was conceived in the womb of a […]
The Lord Jesus is the Prototype for the Producing of the many God-men, His Believers
The Church is the House of the Living God, the Household of God the Father

The completing ministry of Paul is a crucial part of the Bible. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He spoke a lot of things and He revealed many mysteries, but He had much more to say; therefore, He continued to speak as the Spirit of reality through the apostles in Acts and in all […]
I will declare Your name to My brothers; in the midst of the church I will sing hymns of praise to You
Praise the Lord for His church-producing resurrection! After passing through His redeeming death (Psa. 22:1-22), Christ entered into His church-producing resurrection (Psa. 22:22-31). The aspects emphasized in Psalms 22 are the church and the many brothers being produced in Christ’s resurrection. When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, He called His followers His disciples, […]
Two Fathers in John 8 – The Father of Truth and The Father of Lies(light shining in the home meeting!)
Recently in a home meeting we were joined by a new one whose concept was that God is his Father through God’s creation of humanity. To answer his question / give a Biblical approach to this, we went to John 8 and we read through the whole chapter. It is quite startling that in this chapter […]