With the help of Paul’s writing in his epistles to the Galatians and to the Hebrews we see that Sarah and Hagar both signify two covenants: Sarah signifies the covenant of grace and Hagar signifies the covenant of law. Each of them produces sons: Sarah produces sons unto freedom and inheritance of grace, and Hagar […]
The New Jerusalem, the New Covenant of Grace, is the Mother of the Believers
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: becoming part of the New Jerusalem, crystallization study of Genesis, God's corporate expression, holy word for morning revival, New Jerusalem is our mother, the allegory of two women, the covenant of grace, the heavenly Jerusalem, the new covenant, we are sons of God
The Central Line in the Bible – the New Jerusalem, the mingling of God and man!
The final item on the central line of the divine revelation in the Bible is the New Jerusalem! Many people think that, according to what Revelation 21 and 22 say, the New Jerusalem is a physical city. But why would God desire to work Himself into man and mingle Himself with man, and the consummation […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, contacting God, Enjoying Christ, expounding the truth, God's economy, His heart's desire, O Lord Jesus!, the all-inclusive Christ, the Body of Christ, the high peak, the Lord's recovery, the Triune God Tagged With: a holy city, an organic constitution, becoming part of the New Jerusalem, dispense Himself into us, dwelling place of God, God's masterpiece, processed and consummated, the central line of the Bible, the conclusion of the Bible, the kernel of the Bible, the mingling of God and man, the ministry of the age, the New Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem is NEW, the organism of the Triune God, the processed Triune God, union mingling and incorporation, visions and revelations
becoming genuine parts of the New Jerusalem by walking according to the golden divine nature in us

Before we were saved, we were “our own ruler”, and we did our best to live our life as we saw it fit or as we wanted to. But when we met the Lord Jesus, He as the King came into us with the divine kingdom! When we were under our own rule, we were […]
Filed Under: contacting God, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, God's economy, longings, O Lord Jesus!, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the high peak, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: allow the divine life, based on the divine nature, becoming part of the New Jerusalem, becoming the city of God, escapers of the corruption, genuine parts of the new Jerusalem, live according to the divine nature, partakers of the divine nature, set up Your throne in my life, the kingdom of God, the sense of life, the sense of life and peace, under God's throne, walk according to the divine nature, walk on the golden street, we become golden, what would Jesus do