The warfare between the church and Satan is a battle between us who love the Lord and who are in His church and the evil powers in the heavenlies; we fight the battle in the Body by the power of the Lord! Hallelujah! In order for the church to be built up as the […]
Being Empowered in the Lord to Fight the Battle in the Body to Deal with God’s Enemy
Being Encamped in Array in God’s Sovereignty with Christ and the Church as our Center

In Numbers two we see how the children of Israel were encamped in array as an army, each tribe by its own standard, all facing the center. After the numbering in ch. 1, the children of Israel were put in an array around the tabernacle – this is God’s first step of formation of the […]
The Result of the Flowing and Growing Life is an Army Fighting for God’s Purpose

In our crystallization study of the book of Exodus this week we have been getting into the deeper significance of the people of Israel at Marah and Elim. After crossing the Red Sea and seeing Pharaoh and his armies buried in the sea, the people of Israel traveled through the wilderness for three days without […]
Eating Christ as the Lamb with Unleavened Bread and Bitter Herbs to become God’s Army

Christ, our Passover, has been sacrificed; He is the Lamb of God for our redemption and life supply. The type of the Passover in Exodus 12 is marvelous, and in our Christian life, we need to daily enjoy Christ as our real Passover. God ordained that His people would hold the feast of the Passover […]