For us to have God’s leading, we need to live and walk by the mingled spirit, judging all that the Lord exposes, and we need to have the building up of the Body, for it is in the Body that we can know God’s will and we can be clear about our situation and […]
Walk by the Spirit and have the Building with God’s Shining to have God’s Leading
Eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to Overcome the World to Become the building of God

By living in our spirit and eating Christ as the hidden manna, we can overcome the world to become the building of God consummating in the New Jerusalem. Amen! As believers in Christ, we have been regenerated with the divine, eternal, incorruptible life of God, and today we need to live by this divine […]
The Bible is a Building Manual, and We Can Cooperate with God for His Building

The Bible is a book of God’s building, with the first two chapters in Genesis giving us a blueprint of God’s building and the last two chapters presenting a picture of the finished building, while the rest of the book presents the process of the building. The first two chapters and the last two chapters […]
The New Jerusalem: God is building Himself into us and we’re built into Him(conference in London)
In the recent conference in London I really enjoyed the twelve points about the New Jerusalem. We need to see that the New Jerusalem is not a literal, physical, lifeless city, but it is a Person. We are becoming the New Jerusalem as the Lord prepares us to be His bride. Hallelujah, God is building […]
The Bible is about Life and Building; God is seeking a building, and we are saved for God’s building!
In the entire Bible we see that God is seeking a building. The very first vision in the Bible, which sets the principle for all the following visions in the Bible, is Jacob’s dream in Gen. 28 – a vision of Bethel, God’s dwelling place. All the spiritual visions in the Scriptures are with God’s […]
college-age conference sharing – on our Christian Journey, Lord, make us willing to consecrate ourselves for God’s Building
Our Christian Life is a journey. It begins with our exodus from Egypt and our crossing of the Red Sea. But it doesn’t end there. Rather, our salvation and our baptism were only the beginning of a life long journey with the Lord. So let us not stop or wander forever in the wilderness but […]
college-age conference testimony – we can cooperate with the Lord for Him to get His building
During the past College-age conference in Bower House I really enjoyed the fact that God’s building is the desire of God’s heart and the goal of God’s Salvation. God wants to have His building and He needs our cooperation as His people. We need to go through an entire journey in order to become the […]