Every life has a law and even is a law; the law of a life is the innate capacity and ability of that life to grow, shape, and produce certain things. For example, the apple tree has the life of the apple tree, and the law of this life shapes the tree, the branches, the […]
The three Laws in the three Parts of our Being and the Function of the Law of Life
We Become God’s Expression by Eating, Digesting, and Assimilating God to Live God

The high peak of the divine revelation in the Bible is that God became man to make man God in life, nature, expression, and function, so that God would obtain a corporate expression in the universe in man. Through regeneration we receive the divine life with the divine nature, and daily we are growing in […]
God Redeemed us to make us God in Life and Nature so that He can have the Body of Christ

We praise the Lord for bringing us to see the high peak of the divine revelation in the Bible, which is that God became man so that man may become God in life, nature, and expression but not in the Godhead to produce and build up the organic Body of Christ consummating in the New […]
God Created Man in His Image and even Became a Man to make Man God in Life and Nature

The Bible is not a “religious book” with many ethical, moral, and philosophical teachings to show us who God is what He wants from man; the Bible is a book that reveals to us what is in God’s heart, and by reading the Bible we find out what is God’s good pleasure. Based on what […]
Man is Becoming God through Transformation by Participating in God’s Divinity

The Bible as the complete and only divine revelation given by God to man is a wonderful book revealing us mainly one thing: the economy of God. If we human beings have our own “economy” (both personally and as families, households, cities, countries, etc), how much more does God have an economy! In His economy […]
The Eternal Purpose of God the Father is to Gain the Church as a Bride for Christ

God’s eternal purpose and His eternal plan is to gain the church as a bride for His Son. In Genesis 24 we see the account of four persons working together to get Isaac and Rebekah married – this story is a type of the Triune God working in and on man to prepare man to […]
Being Infused with God to Become the Same as He is for God’s Building

Christ is the Stone with seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God. When we come to the Lord to spend time with Him, He infuses us through His seven eyes, and we are being transformed from glory to glory into His image (1 Cor. 3:18). Something happens in us organically as we spend […]