The church as the increase of Christ is a matter of life, and everything in the church must be in the nature of life, with the content of life, and in the imparting of life. The church is not a building; the church is the increase of Christ, the multiplication and reproduction of Christ in […]
Everything in the Church Life must be in the Nature of Life for the Imparting of Life
enjoyment from the 2010 Winter School of Truth – having a fresh appreciation for the Bible
Every year towards the end, usually in the last week of the year, we have a “Winter School of Truth“, a week when the young people gather together to get into the truth. In Europe, until now, this school of the truth in winter took place in Bower House – and just a week ago, […]
a turning point in my attitude toward my Christian life, the Poland European YP Conference 2010 in Male Ciche
Although it has only been about a month since I returned from my time at the European Young People Conference, I feel as though I will look back on that summer as a turning point in my attitude toward my Christian life. The two things that impressed me the most were the importance of prayer, and […]
our Christian life is a life of preaching the gospel by loving one another
Until the Lord comes, since we are saved, we preach the gospel through our living, our attitude, our words – our very Christian life is a preaching of the gospel. Actually, according to Paul’s word in Phil 1:5-6, it is Christ who does this good work of preaching the gospel. Christ preaches the gospel in […]
loving one another has a lot to do with our bearing fruit, which is our destiny
In John 15:16 the Lord told us that it wasn’t us who chose Him, but He chose us, and He set us to bear fruit – and that our fruit should remain! Our goal and our destiny, as branches in the vine, is to bear fruit! All we need to do is to abide in […]
Apart from Christ we are and we can do nothing! We just need to abide in Him

I was enjoying John 15:4-5 this morning, which says, Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in […]
We are the branches in Christ as the vine (who is the organism of the Triune God)

John 15:1-2 tells us that Christ is the real vine, and the Father is the husbandman. We, the many believers in Christ, are the many branches in the vine – and we are set to go forth and to bear fruit! In this whole universe there is a vine-tree, a universal vine-tree: Christ as the […]