As believers in Christ, we need to bear the sign of resting with God to be filled with Him first, and then working together with God in oneness with Him, even working in and by the One who fills us with Himself. After God created man, He rested and was refreshed; keeping the Sabbath and […]
Bear the Sign of Resting with God to be Filled with Him first, then Working with God
Stop our Doing and Focus on Eating and Absorbing God to Gain God and Live out God

As believers in Christ, we need to learn to stop our doing and even our being to just enjoy the Lord, focusing only on eating and absorbing God so that we may gain God and live out God. Our Christian life is a life of eating and absorbing Christ, and we live by eating […]
Being Matured in Life by having our Capacity Enlarged to be Filled with God’s Life

We need to be matured in life by having our capacity enlarged to be filled with God’s life. Maturity is a matter of the enlargement of capacity; God sovereignly uses persons, things, and events to empty us of everything that has filled us and to take away every preoccupation so that we may have […]
Allow Christ to Defeat us as He Descends and Ascends Within us to make us Gifts to the Body

We need to allow Christ to defeat, subdue, conquer, and vanquish us as He descends and ascends within us so that He may fill us and constitute us into gifts for His Body. Through His descending and ascending, Christ defeated Satan and death, He took us as His captives, and made us gifts to […]
Everything in the Old Creation under the Sun is Vanity of Vanities, only Christ is Reality

The theme of the book of Ecclesiastes is vanity of vanities; human history, from its beginning to the present, is vanity and not reality, but when we have God, He in us is our reality and satisfaction. This week we come to the last crystal in our crystallization-study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, and we […]
God uses Satan as an Ugly Tool to cause our Being to be Fully Open to be Filled with God

It is amazing to realize that God uses Satan as an ugly tool to cause our whole being to be fully open to God so that He may fill us and replace anything else with Himself. Our wise and almighty God has judged and condemned Satan already, but He allows him to remain free to […]
Christ is All and in All in the New Man: He is all the Members and in All the Members!

In the new man Christ is all and in all – Christ is all the members, and Christ is in all the members; Christ is every member and He is in every member in the church as the one new man. Hallelujah! How is it possible for people of different races, backgrounds, nationalities, and cultures […]