We need to enjoy and experience Christ as the offerings day by day until the Christ we experience subjectively becomes new wine in us, causing us to be ecstatically happy and joyful; then, when Christ as the new wine saturates and fills us with Himself, we can be poured out as a drink offering for […]
Enjoy Christ until We’re Filled and Saturated with Him to be Wine as a Drink Offering
Minister Life, Serve the Saints, and Dispense the Lord’s Sweet and Nourishing Words

As good ministers of Christ, we need to minister life and serve the saints according to the principle of life, focusing only on Christ and on nothing else; our lips should drip fresh honey to strengthen and nourish the saints, not criticizing words or reviling speaking. Amen, Lord Jesus, make us the good ministers […]
Being Constituted with Christ to Live a Shepherding Life with an Enlarged Heart

In order for us to shepherd according to God, we need to live a shepherding life, being constituted with Christ so that our heart may be enlarged, we would live an all-fitting life, and we would cherish and nourish the flock of God with the Father’s love and the Son’s seeking spirit. The Lord […]
Being the Priestly Scribes who Contact God Continually and are Skilled in God’s Word

What we need today in the Lord’s recovery of the church life for the building up of the Body of Christ is priestly scribes, those who are both priests and teachers (scribes), those filled with Christ mingled with Christ, trusting in God, and skilled in the word of God. We need the Ezra’s of […]
The Lord’s Overcomers are Humble, see the All-inclusive Christ, are Consecrated, and have no Idols

For us to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to humble ourselves, see the all-inclusive Christ, consecrate ourselves to the Lord, and remove any idols by cooperating with God to have Christ as our everything. In God’s selection of Gideon and the three hundred men with him to defeat the Midianites we see the selection […]
Because man Lost God, he Invented Culture to Replace Him, but only God can Satisfy us!

Culture was invented as a replacement for God, for when man lost God, he lost everything, so he had to invent certain things to make up for what God was to him. Behind culture is the enemy of God, the one who deceived man and caused him to sin; the enemy wants to replace God […]
Live in the Lord’s Presence and be Watchful and Matured to be Made Ready to be Raptured

For us to be taken by the Lord at His return, we need to be those who are watchful and mature for His imminent coming and prepared and ready to be His bride, so that we may be raptured before the great tribulation. If we read the Bible and have the Lord’s shining, we will […]