The most marvellous and all-inclusive transformations of the eternal Triune God in His becoming a man are God’s move in man for the accomplishment of His eternal economy; today we need to move in God’s move and have God’s move in our move. Amen! May the Lord have a way to shine on the […]
Seeing that God’s Marvellous Transformations are for God’s Move in Man to Deify Man
Nothing can Separate us from the Love of God in Christ: His Love Draws us and Keeps us

How we thank and praise the Lord for the love of God in Christ reaching us and joining us to God, even making us the same as Christ in life and nature to become God’s corporate expression! Amen! When we see the love of God which is in Christ, we realize that nothing can separate […]
God’s History in Man began with Christ’s Incarnation and Wonderful Human Living

God’s history in man began with the incarnation of Christ and continued with His processes of human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension; these are cords of a man, bands of love, with which He drew us to Himself in love. Hallelujah for our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ, the first God-man, the One who brought God […]
The History of God in Man continues today in us: We’re Part of Christ’s Goings Forth

It is amazing to realize that the history of God in man continues today with us, for we are part of Christ’s goings forth from eternity into time! Our God is a living and moving God; He moved with men and among men in the Old Testament (this was His indirect move), and He moves […]
Christ’s accomplishments in His all-transcending ascension (cords of a man)

All the processes the Lord Jesus as the first God-man passed through are the cords of a man that God used to draw us in His bands of love. He became a man, lived a perfect human life, died an all-terminating death on the cross, and entered into an all-conquering resurrection. Today we were appreciating […]
Cords of a Man: the Amazing Accomplishments of Christ in His Resurrection

God’s everlasting love toward us is so strong, and His divine bands of love are expressed and reach us through cords of a man. The first segment of these cords / the first cord is His wonderful incarnation, then His bountiful human living, and then His all-terminating death on the cross. Today I was filled […]
being drawn with cords of a man and bands of love to be in the divine romance

There is a very precious portion of a verse 4 in Hosea 11 which says, “I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love”. Even though we are evil, unchaste, unfaithful, and in apostasy, God drew us with cords of man and with bands of love. He loves us with His divine […]