While we are waiting for the Lord’s coming and expect to be raptured, we need to be faithful in our daily duties, living a properly balanced human life while simultaneously living in the divine and mystical realm so that He may rapture us when He returns. Amen, we want to be raptured by the Lord […]
Have the Maturity in Life and be Faithful in our Daily Duties to be Ready for Rapture
Actively Waiting for the Lord’s Coming as the Prophetic Word is Made More Firm

As we study the vision of the seventy weeks in Daniel 9 in relation to God’s economy, we will experience the shining of the prophetic word as a lamp conveying spiritual light in darkness (2 Pet. 1:19). Under the shining of the prophetic word, we can receive the Lord’s warning and have the proper attitude […]
Having the Proper Attitude as we See the Prophecies Being Fulfilled in the Last Days

All God’s people need to see and be clear of what the Bible says it will happen in the last days. We are living in the last days, at the end of this age, and we need the Lord to enlighten the eyes of our heart and to remove any veils that we may clearly […]
a genuine church is enriched in Christ, awaits the Lord’s unveiling, and enjoys Christ
This is what we aspire to, and this is what we live unto, that we may be confirmed until the end unreprovable – in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ! For this, we need to daily grow in life! A genuine church is in a daily process of growth in the divine life – after its initial receiving of grace, the church enjoys grace and trusts in the God who is both the Alpha and the Omega to finish what He has begun in them. God gives us grace and it is He who will also confirm us in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ – He is the giver of grace and the completer of our growth in life at the end. Lord, grow in us daily! [read more online]
when God’s people move, God moves; if God’s people do not move, God has no way to move(2011 Poland camp)
To start things off, the Poland young people conference is not the only young person conference I have ever been to. I was raised up as a “church-kid”, born and raised under parents who met when they joined the church life. So, I already had a taste of the youthful ecstasy that the Poland conference […]