In the divine romance, we become one with God to be His dwelling place and city for His corporate expression. As those who love the Lord and pursue after Him in love, we need to become mature in the life of Christ and be built up as God’s house and His city, and we […]
In the Divine Romance we become One with God to be His Dwelling Place and City
The Church as the Bride is a Corporate Army Fighting for God’s Interest on Earth

The church as the bride of Christ must also be a warrior to defeat God’s enemy, and Christ will return for his prepared bride and defeat God’s enemy. The church is composed of a group of people who are regenerated with the divine life, and they are built up on God’s life to be the […]
Becoming a City that is Lovely to the Lord and an Army that is Terrible to the Enemy

We as lovers of Christ should be both lovely and lovable to the Lord and terrible to the enemy, both a city and an army with banners. Loving the Lord with the best love and advancing in the divine romance will bring us into spiritual warfare with the enemy. On the one hand, we enjoy […]
Becoming a Garden for Christ’s Private Enjoyment and as Terrible as an Army with Banners

As we progress in the divine romance, we as the lover of Christ become as beautiful as Tirzah, as lovely as Jerusalem, and as terrible as an army with banners (Song of Songs 6:4, 10). It seems that love and war are opposite, and it is true, but in the spiritual realm, if we love […]