Faith is for appreciating, substantiating, and receiving the unlimited riches of the Triune God; by faith we receive Christ and enter into the Triune God to be joined with Him as one, having Him as our life and life supply and everything. Hallelujah! Without faith is impossible to be well-pleasing to God, for he who […]
Receive and Enjoy the Riches of the Triune God by the Wonderful Faith and Super-Excellent Love
Through we have Never Seen Jesus, we Love Him, Believe in Him, and Exult with Unspeakable Joy

As believers in Christ, we need to develop and perfect our faith in the Lord and our love for Him, the One whom we have not seen yet we love, into whom we believe, and to whom we’re organically joined to. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to a new topic entitled, […]
Looking Away unto Jesus to be Infused with Himself as our Faith and Run the Race

As believers in Christ, our faith doesn’t originate from ourselves but it is our appreciation of Christ as a reaction to His attraction; our faith as believers is Christ entering into us to be our faith as we are looking away unto Jesus! This is a revolutionizing concept, since many believers may pray like Peter, […]
Our Believing into Christ is our Appreciation of Him as a Reaction to His Attraction

Having heard the word of the truth, the gospel of our salvation, we believed into Christ and now are entrusted with the gospel to speak to others the living word of God for them to receive Christ as their Savior and life. The gospel we have been given has a solid, firm, and unshakable foundation: […]
Cords of a Man: the Amazing Accomplishments of Christ in His Resurrection

God’s everlasting love toward us is so strong, and His divine bands of love are expressed and reach us through cords of a man. The first segment of these cords / the first cord is His wonderful incarnation, then His bountiful human living, and then His all-terminating death on the cross. Today I was filled […]
the details of Christ’s sufferings for us before He died: He was hated, reproached, mocked, betrayed
Many times we miss a lot because we know things in general and we don’t get into the details – we may know in general that the Lord Jesus suffered for us and died for us, but we may not know the details. How did He die, what happened, what are the details? When you get into these details in the Word of God, your appreciation of Christ’s death and His suffering will increase to the uttermost, and you will love Him more!
did you know that Christ is lovable? Just love Him!(college age conference sharing)
Praise the Lord for the College Age Conference in Wales! I really treasure this time every year. It is always an enjoyable weekend to be in the countryside (away from all the technology and the negative aspects that turn us away from Christ) with the saints, just to appreciate and love only Christ! There is […]