Today Christ as the Life-giving Spirit in our spirit is the Shepherd of our Souls

As we become the reproduction of Christ, we can experience and enjoy Christ as the Shepherd of our souls; He is the Shepherd of our souls, overseeing our inward condition, caring for the situation of our being, comforting us, and restoring our soul. What a wonderful Shepherd we have! The Apostle Peter speaks of Christ, […]

Being Regenerated and Built in the Body to become Part of the Divine and Mystical Realm

As believers in Christ, we become part of the divine and mystical realm of the consummated Spirit by our divine birth of God, and we remain and are in this realm of the Spirit by being in the reality of the Body of Christ and by being built up in the Body. Amen! If you […]

The Triune God is Reality and the Spirit of Reality is the Reality of the Triune God

In the whole universe only the Triune God is reality, and the Spirit of reality is the reality of all that the Triune God is and has, for the Spirit is the reality. This week we start a new series based on the 2018 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference on the topic of, The Reality of the […]

experiencing the indwelling Christ – our Christ today is the Spirit in our spirit indwelling us!

When the Lord Jesus was on the earth with the disciples, He was outside of them (He was in the flesh), taking care of all their needs. He was very thoughtful of them – He cared for them, spoke to them the words of life, ministered to them, and perfected them. Because He was both […]

The Crucial Elements of the Bible – Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church!

What are the most crucial elements of the Bible? The Bible must have some crucial elements – some important elements without which the Bible can be “an empty shell”. Just like a nut has a shell, the meat, and the kernel, so the Bible has a kernel which needs to be discovered and known in […]