If we want to fully possess Christ as the good land, we need to flee from idolatry; we need to see what is the principle of the golden-calf idol and refuse to have anything in our heart that we love more than the Lord, and we need to have the enjoyment of the Lord […]
See the Principle of Idolatry and Flee from Idolatry to Enjoying Christ in Spirit
God is Faithful to lead us to Drink of Him as the Fountain of Living Waters

Our God is faithful to deal with all our idols so that He may lead us to drink Him as the fountain of living waters. God is faithful in calling us into the fellowship and enjoyment of His Son, but many times we’re unfaithful to His calling us into His intention; hence, God is […]
Not Committing the Evils of Forsaking God as the Source and having Idols as His replacement

May we not commit the evils of forsaking God as our source and having idols as His replacement! Israel should have drunk of God as the fountain of living waters to be His increase as His expression, but instead they committed two evils: they forsook God as their fountain and they turned to another source, […]
We should Not have Idols – God Himself should be our Unique Goal, the One we Seek

As a conclusion to our Crystallization study of the book of Leviticus, we come to the matter of the processed Triune God, His work, and the result of His work. We saw in Lev. 25 that God wants His people to proclaim and enjoy the jubilee, for He doesn’t want them to be under slavery […]
Guarding Ourselves from Idols and being the Lord’s Faithful Witnesses, His Martyrs

When the church goes the way of the world and accepts worldly things, practices, and situations as normal, we need to be like Antipas, the faithful witnesses for the Lord with the spirit of a martyr, standing against anything the world has to offer and bring into the church, so that we may keep the Lord’s […]
Being Victorious over the Seduction of Idol Worship and Any Spiritual Blindness

In each of the first six chapters of Daniel, we see an aspect of how Daniel and his three companions overcame Satan and his stratagems. In the first chapter, we see that Daniel and his companions were victorious over the demonic diet, choosing rather to eat food according to the Word of God – and […]
being in the light and guarding ourselves from any lie, vanity, or idols trying to replace God!
Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; vanity of vanities; all is vanity. “No matter how good, excellent, marvelous, and wonderful a thing may be, as long as it is of the old creation, it is part of the vanity of vanities under the sun” – only the new creation, God mingled with man and man walking in God as the light, is reality!