The church as the Body of Christ is an organism absolutely in the resurrection life of Christ, and in the church life we experience the principle of resurrection until everything we say, do, and are in the church if is an expression of Christ in resurrection. This week is our last on the topic of, […]
Living in the Resurection Life of Christ for the Building up of the Body of Christ
Lighting the Lamps involves every Aspect of our Experience in the Christian Life

As believers in Christ we need to daily come to the Lord in our Christian life and be shined on by Him, and we need to walk in His light. However, there’s a great danger that we would “make our own light” and walk in our own light, which leads to pain and darkness. I […]
Allowing the Uniting Spirit to Cross us and Join us to other Believers in the Body

The oneness the Lord Jesus prayed for in John 17 is seen in picture in the tabernacle in Exo. 26 in three main steps: the three gold rings on the standing boards, the gold overlaying the boards, and the uniting bars that joined all the boards. The Lord prayed that we all may be one […]
Being Renewed Day by Day to have God’s Element Added to us and Live in Resurrection

In order for us to live in resurrection, we must be renewed day by day with the fresh supply of resurrection life (2 Cor. 4:16). God is new, His life is new, resurrection is new, and everything about God is new; we are old, getting older, and dying, and nothing we can do in and […]
Allowing the Razor of the Cross to Deal with the Many Aspects of Our Leprous Self

When we see the Body of Christ, we will also see the self as the greatest enemy of the Body. For us to have the Body of Christ in reality, the self needs to be denied and rejected. But what does it mean to deny the self? What is the self? The Bible has a […]
Actively Letting the Cross to Operate in Us so that Life Be Ministered to the Body

“Death operates in us, but life in you” (2 Cor. 4:12). In order for the divine life to be richly imparted into the members of the Body, some need to experience the cross and actively allow the death of Christ to operate in them. Just like Paul, we need to be open to the Lord […]
Being Mysteriously Transferred into the Realm of Resurrection for God’s Building

We all know the Lord’s word in John 12:24 where He says that unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone – but if it dies, it bears much fruit. When the Lord Jesus came with the kingdom of God, He established a different principle of serving God and […]