If we want the life of Christ to be unhindered in us, we need to experience the breaking of the cross and let any obstacle be dealt with and removed; may the Lord shine on our rebellion (our unwillingness to cooperate with His inner leading) and on our natural capability and ability, which hinder God’s […]
Allow the Cross to Deal with Rebellion and Natural Capability for God’s Life to Grow
Deal with the Problems of the Self by the Cross through the Exercise of our Spirit

Even though we can be washed and cleansed from sin and trespasses, we still need to deal with the problems of the self by the razor of the cross; we need to be dealt with by the cross through the exercise of our spirit to live not in the self but in spirit, therefore […]
Serve God by the Resurrected Ability and let the Cross Deal with the Natural Ability

May the Lord have mercy on us that we would not serve Him in our natural strength and ability but in the resurrected ability; may we learn to contact the Lord, depend on Him, live in spirit, and trust in Him, not in our natural ability, and may we serve Him in resurrection in […]
Our Natural Ability needs to be Dealt with by the Cross to be Useful in Resurrection

According to the principle in the holy Word of God, our natural strength and ability need to be dealt with by the cross to become useful in resurrection for our service to the Lord. We may have a certain ability or capacity, and we may have love for the Lord and zeal to do His […]
Praying at the Incense Altar with no Strange Fire or Strange Incense in our Prayer

The Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry is interceding for us, and He wants to gain many believers who cooperate with Him by being one with Him in His intercession. For this, we need to be in God (just as the priests were in the tabernacle when offering the incense on the altar), God needs […]
Having a Change in our Concept of Value as we See the Preciousness of Christ

This week we have seen from the Bible that God wants us to love Him more than we love money, riches, or material things. But how can we love God – the One whom we don’t see or touch physically – and not love money – which can be touched, are so important, and “make […]
what is God’s will for us as young adults? God’s will is One Person, One Way, and One Goal!
We recently enjoyed a sharing by brother Ron regarding God’s will – as young adults and as ones who are pursuing the Lord, we many times ask ourselves, we ask others, and we ask the Lord, What is God’s will for me? Usually, we relate God’s will for ourselves – what is God’s will for […]