To shepherd according to God (1 Pet. 5:2) requires that we become one with God, we are constituted with God, we live God, we represent God, and we minister God. We can shepherd according to God only by becoming the same as He is in life, nature, expression, and function. First, we need to be […]
To Shepherd according to God is to Minister the Processed God Constituted into us
Rejecting Self-Cultivation and Allowing Christ to Fill us and Live a God-man Life in us

As believers in Christ, the goal of our Christian practice and of our Christian living is to live the life of a God-man, the same kind of life that the Lord Jesus lived when He was on earth. Our practice shouldn’t be just something according to the Bible but the God-man living. Being a Christian […]
A Priest lives the God-man life by Living in the Mingled Spirit to Express Christ

“The focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit, the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit (Rom. 8:4)” – this statement is of tremendous importance in our Christian life. Many believers have missed the aim of God’s purpose for their life simply because they don’t see that all our experiences of God are in the […]
Allowing God to Mingle Himself with us to be the Church, the Mingling of God and Man

As the Body of Christ, the church is the enlargement of Christ, the enlargement of the One who is the mingling of God and man. God’s purpose is to mingle Himself with His chosen people so that He would become their life, nature, and content, and so that they would become His corporate expression. The Lord […]
Letting the Lord to Saturate our Soul to Transform us for the Building up of the Body

Our growth in the divine life equals our being transformed, and it is for the building up of the Body of Christ. In 1 Cor. 3:6, 9, 12-13 we see that Paul equals God’s cultivated land (God’s farm) with God’s building. This shows us that we start out as plants in God’s cultivated land, but […]
Christ Needs to Increase in Us to Fill All in All Until He Fills the Whole Earth

God’s desire is to bring in His kingdom on the earth, but the earth is under Satan’s usurpation and what we see today is “a great human image”, the human government (which rebels against God, exalts man, and worships idols). But Christ as a stone cut without hands will return together with His overcomers and […]
God’s Purpose is to Work Himself Into Our Inward Parts to Make Us His Expression

Our God has one unique work in the whole universe and throughout the ages, which is to work Himself in Christ into His chosen people that He may obtain a corporate expression in humanity. Throughout the generations and both in the Old and the New Testament time, this is the only thing that God desires […]