When we have sufficient enjoyment of God in the age of grace, we will live in the jubilee and we will enjoy true freedom and rest. Amen! The year of jubilee is the age of Christ as grace dispensed into us for our enjoyment by His words of grace; the New Testament jubilee is an […]
Have Sufficient Enjoyment of God to Live in the Jubilee enjoying Freedom and Rest
Experience Christ as the Wheat – the Christ who is Willing to Die and be Buried

What an amazing fact that today we can experience Christ as the wheat – the Christ who is willing to be limited, to die, and be buried! Today we can experience Christ as the reality of good land, a land of wheat and barley; the wheat typifies the incarnated, crucified, and buried Christ – […]
Live a Life out of the Old Creation and in God for the Goal of the Out-Resurrection

We need to pursue Christ toward the goal of the out-resurrection, the extra-resurrection, the outstanding resurrection, which will be a prize to the overcoming saints; for us, to live should be Christ as the out-resurrection. Amen! This week we come to the topic of, Attaining to the Out-resurrection, based on Phil. 3:11 and the […]
Being in the Triune God and having Christ Living in us to be Perfected into one

As we are sanctified through the truth, we move out of ourselves and into the Triune God, Christ lives in us, and we are perfected into one to be in the enlarged oneness of the Triune God. There is so much division both in the world and in Christianity today, and the main reason is […]
Experience Christ as the One in whom All Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge are Hidden

All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ as the mystery of God; only God is wise, only He has the highest knowledge, and all knowledge and wisdom are in Christ. In particular, there’s so much wisdom and knowledge related to the history of God, the “stories” of God in Christ. Christ […]
Living Christ and Allowing Him to Live in us for us to Live in the Jubilee Today

The Lord Jesus came as the real jubilee, and when we receive Him and live by Him and let Him live in us, we are living in the jubilee. Then everything will be to our satisfaction, for the Christ who lives within us is the One who satisfies us, and He Himself is the secret […]
Our Priority is not to Work for God but for God to Work Himself into us and Live in us

God’s main goal is not for man to work for Him but for God to gain our so that He may work Himself into us; in and for the church life what we are is more important than what we do. The central work of God, the unique work that God does in this universe, […]