The Lord as our Shepherd gathers us, His sheep, and brings us back to Himself as our allotted portion of the good land, so that we may enjoy the resurrected and ascended Christ, drink of the Spirit as the flowing river, and enjoy His all-inclusive, tender care. As we enjoy His shepherding, we are brought […]
Christ takes All-inclusive, Tender Care of us: He Shepherds us in the Enjoyment of Himself
Being those who Enjoy the All-inclusive Tender Care of our Good Shepherd Lord Jesus

How wonderful it is to see in Ezekiel 34 how our good Shepherd, Christ, is taking an all-inclusive tender care of us as His sheep! First He speaks to the shepherds, who did not take care of the sheep but rather fed themselves and caused the sheep to go astray and be scattered, and then […]
The Lord comes as the Shepherd to Search for His Sheep and Bring them to Himself

In Ezekiel 34 the Lord Himself comes as the Shepherd to search for His sheep and seek them out, bringing them back to Himself as the pasture, restoring them, recovering them, and healing them; to shepherd is to take all-inclusive tender care of the flock. This week in our Crystallization-study of the book of Ezekiel […]
cooperating with Christ in His heavenly ministry to shepherd the saints, the flock of God
This week in the Morning Revival we come to Psalm 23 – the Lord Jesus in His heavenly ministry shepherding His flock and our cooperation with Him in His heavenly ministry to shepherd His sheep… In Psalms 22 we see the Lord Jesus in His death and resurrection, in Psalms23 we see the Lord Jesus […]