The genuine oneness is an all-inclusive, comprehensive oneness that includes all the positive things; what a privilege it is to know, experience, and enjoy the genuine oneness in the Lord’s recovery today! Amen! It is the Lord’s mercy and grace that He brought us here, on the genuine ground of oneness, to enjoy the […]
What a Privilege it is to Experience and Enjoy the Genuine Oneness in the Church Life!
To Preserve the Oneness, we must Destroy the High Places, Anything Exalted above Christ

In order for us to recover and preserve the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places, anything that is of division and that rises up to replace Christ in our personal life or in the church life. This phrase, the high places, is mentioned again and again in 1 and 2 Kings; […]
For the Preservation of the all-inclusive Oneness we must Destroy all the High Places

For the recovery and preservation of the genuine, all-inclusive oneness, we must destroy the high places and stay away from division and divisive things. We have seen that God hates division and apostasy or heresy; division tears down the corporate expression of Christ (the Body of Christ) while apostasy or heresy damages the person of […]
We practice the Genuine Oneness by Teaching the Same Thing in all the Churches

The apostles taught the same thing to all the saints in all the places and in all the churches to practice the genuine oneness; the genuine oneness is all-inclusive and comprehensive, including all positive things. God hates division, for division – no matter how “solid” the reasons for division are – cuts and destroys the […]